Why Do You Need to Display Nutrition Information on Food Labels?
Nutritional Information on Food Labels

Food labeling with nutritional information is important. It helps consumers make informed decisions about the foods they consume. Food manufacturers, retailers and eating establishments play a primary role in aiding the consumer.

As a food producer and manufacturer, it is a good idea to consider showcasing nutrition labels on food packaging. A nutrition label with an ingredient list showcases a product’s nutrient profile and it allows consumers to see if they are allergic to any of the ingredients used in your food.  This can allow a company to increase market share by gaining edge over a competitor. Another benefit to showcasing a nutrition label is the ability to make certain claims about a product such as Low Fat, Sugar Free, Gluten Free, etc. if your food qualifies for such.  This again helps consumers when they are shopping for food choices.

How to ensure if you need to meet FDA compliance?

FDA has a few exceptions where certain foods or a certain size of manufacturers, do not need to comply with placing a food label with nutritional information on the package.  If it does not apply to your organization then you must comply with meeting the food and nutrition labeling rules.

What nutritional information do your pre-packaged food items need to include?

The new FDA rules make it mandatory to mention the name of the food, list of ingredients in descending order of weight, nutrition label, usage conditions (use-by/best before use), storage instructions, contact details, and country of origin or provenance if applicable.

For more information on the legal requirements for nutrition labels on food packaging, please see FDA Food Labeling & Nutrition 2020.

Importance of Food Labeling Explained!

Food labels enable consumers to make informed decisions about the food they want to consume. Food labels also allow consumers to see if there are any ingredients they may need to avoid due to allergies or sensitivities.

As a Food company, if you are required to display nutritional information on food labels, you will need to consider how best to accomplish the task for your business.

Today’s consumers are more invested than ever before in nutritional information due to the causes of many food-related diseases and health issues. It has become even more a matter of concern post COVID-19. Consumers are reported to buying more nutritious alternatives and food labels are enabling them to identify the food products which may fit their needs. Nutrition labels on food make consumers aware of nutrition and dietary information for all food items they intend to eat.

Apart from the nutrition or dietary information requirements, food labels are required for consumers for personal or religious belief, specific dietary requirements, and medical conditions. There are many people who choose not to eat certain products, who have certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, or who are uncomfortable or allergic to certain foods. Food labels help them to identify exactly those food items which contain exactly those nutrients that they need.

How is this food nutritional information on food labels calculated?

There are two effective options. First, Laboratory testing and the second, is the use of data-based food nutrition labeling software, a less expensive method, which allows the user to use nutrition profiles from ingredients to create labels. A nutrition label tool allows you to create nutrition labels on food quickly, as well see changes in the label if modifying certain ingredients without the burden and expense of a lab retesting those products again.

Click here to learn more the advantages an online nutrient analysis software like Nutritionist Pro™ can offer you. Request a trial of Nutritionist Pro™ and take a test drive to see how easily you can work with it, and how powerful and intuitive the nutritional information analysis software is.